DNA Biochemistry Quiz

See How Much You Know About DNA Chemistry

Take this quiz to see how much you know about DNA biochemistry.
Take this quiz to see how much you know about DNA biochemistry. Ian Cuming / Getty Images
DNA Biochemistry Quiz
You got: % Correct. Questionable DNA Quiz Knowledge
I got Questionable DNA Quiz Knowledge. DNA Biochemistry Quiz
Learn more about DNA to master biochemistry and understand genetics.. Ian Cuming / Getty Images

Nice try! You didn't get many of the answers right, but you know more than you did before. You might want to review 10 DNA facts to master the essentials. Are you ready for another quiz? See if you understand the basics about how atoms work.

DNA Biochemistry Quiz
You got: % Correct. Doing Well Understanding DNA
I got Doing Well Understanding DNA. DNA Biochemistry Quiz
Understanding the biochemistry of DNA is essential for chemistry and genetics classes.. Mina De La O / Getty Images

Good job! You knew some of the DNA facts, plus you learned a few more just taking the quiz. From here, you could reinforce your understanding by building a DNA model. Are you ready for another quiz? See how much chemistry trivia you know.

DNA Biochemistry Quiz
You got: % Correct. DNA Quiz Dynamite
I got DNA Quiz Dynamite. DNA Biochemistry Quiz
DNA codes for genes that are essentially the blueprint of an organism.. KTSDESIGN/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images

 Awesome! You know a lot about DNA and its chemistry. Where can you go next? You can brush up on the differences between DNA and RNA or learn how to extract DNA from living organisms. If you're ready for another quiz, see if you know whether common household chemicals are acids or bases.