Atom Quiz

Let's See How Much You Know About Atoms

All matter is made of atoms. Take this fun quiz to see how much you know about the atom.
All matter is made of atoms. Take this fun quiz to see how much you know about the atom. Paper Boat Creative, Getty Images
1. The three basic components of an atom are:
2. An element is determined by the number of:
3. The nucleus of an atom consists of:
4. A single proton has what electrical charge?
5. Which particles have approximately the same size and mass as each other?
6. Which two particles would be attracted to each other?
7. The atomic number of an atom is:
8. Changing the number of neutrons of an atom changes its:
9. When you change the number of electrons on an atom, you produce a different:
10. According to atomic theory, electrons are usually found:
Atom Quiz
You got: % Correct. Atomic Bomb
I got Atomic Bomb. Atom Quiz
Nuclear Explosion. CSA Images/ Color Printstock Collection, Getty Images

You bombed the quiz in an epic, atomic bomb sort of way. Go big or go home, right? The bad news is, you didn't know much about atoms going into this quiz. The good news is, you know more now. It's easy to learn more. Review the basics or simply take another educational quiz

Atom Quiz
You got: % Correct. The Right Stuff
I got The Right Stuff. Atom Quiz
Scientists Building Atom. Paper Boat Creative, Getty Images

You have the right stuff to eventually become a scientist or teacher. You know what an atom is and understand the basics of how they work, but there are gaps in your knowledge. The next step? Fill in the gaps or take another educational quiz.

Atom Quiz
You got: % Correct. Atom Superhero
I got Atom Superhero. Atom Quiz
Scientists are atom superheros.. Sadeugra, Getty Images

Where atoms are concerned, you're a superhero! You understand how this key building block of matter is constructed and how it works. If you felt this quiz was too easy, see whether you know the nitty gritty details about atomic structure.