Element Trivia Quiz

Test Your Knowledge of Element Trivia Facts

Here's a chemistry quiz that tests how many element trivia facts you know.
Here's a chemistry quiz that tests how many element trivia facts you know. Jaap Hart / Getty Images
1. The most abundant element in the human body (by weight) is:
2. Mendeleev's periodic table organized the elements in order of:
3. The first synthetic or man-made element was:
4. Although heavier elements exist in stars, the heaviest element that may be produced by fusion in a star is:
5. The color of molten sulfur is:
6. What color does white phosphorus glow when oxidizing in air?
7. The most abundant metal in the Earth's crust is:
8. The lightest metallic element floats on water. This element is:
9. The only element in the halide family that is a liquid at room temperature and pressure is:
10. Atoms of elements consist of protons, neutrons and electrons. The most common isotope of hydrogen has no neutrons.
Element Trivia Quiz
You got: % Correct. Elementary Knowledge of Elements
I got Elementary Knowledge of Elements. Element Trivia Quiz
Master the chemical elements to do well in chemistry.. Gael Conrad / Getty Images

You didn't know a lot of trivia about the elements, but you made it to the end of the quiz, so you know a lot more now. From here, you can learn about the elements in the human body. Ready for another quiz? See if you know the first few element symbols on the periodic table.

Element Trivia Quiz
You got: % Correct. Almost an Element Trivia Whiz
I got Almost an Element Trivia Whiz. Element Trivia Quiz
Knowing element facts makes chemistry much easier to understand.. Image Source / Getty Images

Good job! You knew some trivia facts about the chemical elements and now you know even more of them. If you'd like to learn more, here are 10 interesting element facts. Ready to try another quiz? See if you can tell real elements from made-up ones.

Element Trivia Quiz
You got: % Correct. It's Elementary, Dear Watson
I got It's Elementary, Dear Watson. Element Trivia Quiz
Step to the head of the class if you know element trivia facts.. Cultura/Nancy Honey / Getty Images

Great job! You made that quiz seem so easy that you should step to the head of the class. Where can you go from here? Review the elements in the human body and what they do. Ready for another quiz? See if you're as good at general chemistry trivia as you are at element facts.