Magnets and Magnetism Quiz

Test Your Knowledge of Magnets

This science quiz tests how well you understand magnetism and how magnets work.
This science quiz tests how well you understand magnetism and how magnets work. SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images
1. A bar magnet has two poles. What are they called?
3. All of these metals are nonmagnetic (not attracted to a magnet) except:
4. There are nonmetals that are magnetic. What is an example of a magnetic nonmetal?
5. In a magnetic material, what units of matter are oriented the same way?
6. Magnetism is an example of a type of:
7. If magnet A can attract and hold 2 steel pins and magnet B can attract and hold 4 steel pins, which magnet is stronger?
8. Like poles of a magnet _____ each other, while unlike poles ____ each other.
10. There is more than one type of magnetism. Which is the strongest and most persistent type?
Magnets and Magnetism Quiz
You got: % Correct. You Need to Review Magnetism
I got You Need to Review Magnetism. Magnets and Magnetism Quiz
Claire Cordier / Getty Images

Magnetism may seem mysterious, but you can master the concepts. From here, you may wish to review how magnets work. Get hands-on experience with magnets by making and playing with magnetic slime.

Are you ready for another quiz? See whether you can distinguish between science facts and science fiction.

Magnets and Magnetism Quiz
You got: % Correct. You're Magic When It Comes to Magnetism
I got You're Magic When It Comes to Magnetism. Magnets and Magnetism Quiz

Great job! You know a lot about magnets and magnetism. From here, how about trying magnet science projects. For example, you can learn how to demagnetize a magnet or make homemade ferrofluid.

Ready to try another quiz? See how much weird science trivia you know.